Saturday 23 April 2011

A small confession

I read the above article the other day and I began to wonder why people feel they should have seen these films and yet they haven't. There are so many films that I want to see, the list grows daily, that it gets to a point where I must prioritise what I watch. What I choose to watch obviously relies on a multitude of factors such as mood, research I need to be doing and if I am watching with another person what they fancy, so why I have never seen The Godfather I do not know! I think perhaps with such cult classics one feels that they are always going to be around so there is no rush to watch them, they are never going to disappear into the void of unwatched films as no one can forget the existence of them; they are a part of popular culture. Also, as they are such classics, one feels they should be given the time and attention they deserve and one should wait for the perfect moment to watch the cult classic. What this perfect moment is I do not know but hopefully I will discover it soon and finally get around to watching The Godfather.

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