Tuesday, 29 March 2011


It seems one's own expectations can really affect our film viewing experience. If we hear a lot of hype about a film, we expect it to be good and therefore the chances of being disappointed are greatly increased. If we read a film is terrible we may be pleasantly surprised by the fact it is not that bad. So what if we go to see a film without any expectations? Is this a true representation of how the film is and what we really think about it? Perhaps, and maybe this is how all films should be viewed. However, this is not possible unless one shuts oneself away in a room by oneself without any internet, magazines, radio, tv, books or any other form of media that may depict a person's opinion. I do not condone this however, and feel perhaps we should embrace expectations and enjoy being disappointed by those Oscar nominees and be pleasantly surprised by those rom-coms that are marketed as another dire love story. Expect the unexpected...

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